Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy National Watermelon Day!

Yes indeed, it's National Watermelon Day! There's still time to celebrate with the National Watermelon Promotion Board's cool mascot J. Slice:

It's worth a visit to the Board's Games and Activities page to see the fantastic coloring books available for download:

J. Slice Saves Princess Cupcake from the Downhill Sugar Slide I wish those guests came to my birthday party!

J. Slice Rescues his Friends from the Clutches of Layzee I love their TV-mesmerised eyes!

J. Slice Saves the Planet from Professor Junk Food I'm offended by the stereotypical presentation of scientists as evil in this one. I, for one, have  never tried to take over the word or even held fruits and vegetables captive over a vat of boiling chocolate (well, maybe fruits, but not vegetables).

You can also download instructions for how to grow your own watermelon. However, they are quick to point out that you'll probably only get a vine, not an actual watermelon, and if you somehow do manage to get a watermelon, it probably won't taste as good as one you would buy in a store!

So enjoy National Watermelon Day with your store bought watermelon!

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