Welcome home to the Food with Eyes gang who have just returned from an unprecedented two month showing at the Schenectady County Public Library's children's room display case!

I was told by the librarian that many children were delighted by the display, and I did witness at least one child being delighted myself. I would like to think the display stayed up for two months instead of the customary one month because it was such a success, but I suspect they couldn't find another collection for October. I haven't seen the November display yet, but I heard it would be bears.
I had selected two books from the library to tie in with the theme. When I took down the display I checked them out of the library and will share them with you here:
First we have
The Talking Vegetables as retold by Won-
Ldy Paye and Margaret H.
Lippert and illustrated by Julie

This is a traditional story from Dan people of Northeastern Liberia.

The story goes like this: all the animals except Spider help to plant a garden. Spider refuses to help, but come harvest time he decides he would like to eat some of the vegetables. So Spider goes to pick a tomato, who to Spider's surprise, vociferously protests.

Next Spider decides to pick some cucumbers, but they, too, tell him he can't since he didn't help with the garden.

Not getting the point, Spider tries for a pumpkin who again castigates him for not helping.

And then the vegetables gang up on him:

I suspect the next scene, which was not illustrated, was something like the tree scene from
The Evil Dead.
The second book,
Peanut Butter Party by Remy
Charlip, lacks a moral about cooperation, as well as a nightmare-inducing vegetable attack.

Instead, this book offers up a host of party ideas centering around peanut butter, such as a costume party:

Featuring a menu of peanut butter on round crackers:

For entertainment, a play where smooth and chunky peanut butter debate their relative merits. The illustration at the bottom depicts the final scene from the all-peanut butter production of

Many thanks to the Schenectady County Public Library for allowing me to share my collection and hopefully inspire future generations of anthropomorphic food enthusiasts.